Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Woman - 22nd Nov '08

The reward of home and early morning stillness, after a night on the road. My thoughts are on the pert breasts of a woman. Her open legs for me. It's been a while - her wetness my sucker. These are the ecstacies of heaven. The working or battling man's comfort... when she chooses to give her femininity. Cuts my toe-nails on the floor in a room in Chiang Mai. Washes my hair and scrubs my back. I do the same for her, turning and smoothing her fruit. We kiss as the water cascades. "Do my hair one more time", she confidently says, handing me the shampoo. I love her close skin and the water. We go outside, then, on the veranda, share a nicotine fix. We're both happy at that moment. I feel like I've found enlightenment. A smiling Zen monk, caught by the glint in your eye... and your tenderness... woman... I love that word... WOMAN.

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