Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Thoughts - (8th November '08)

A thousand books; a thousand miles... or
read a thousand books; walk a thousand miles.
Like an equation; this Chinese saying.

I'm reading Ten Thousand Miles Without A Cloud by Sun Shuyun. Her walking in the steps of Xuanzang, the monk who is the inspiration for the tale of the Monkey King.

Rare is birth as a human-being
Hard is the life of mortals
Do not let slip this opportunity.

The Buddha

The crescent moon
hung in the void
Is all that can be seen
in this wild desert
Where the dew crystallizes
on the polished steel
Of swords and breastplates
Many a day will pass
before the men will return

Do not sigh young women
For you would have to sigh too long

unknown (a chinese poem)

From attachment springs grief
From attachment springs fear
For him who is totally free
There is no grief, and where is fear?

From the Dhammapada

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